Policy Priorities

In 2025, EMAO will focus on the following priorities to achieve its mission:

1. Make Ohio’s state Earned Income Tax Credit Refundable

2. Maintain As-Introduced Budget Investments in Child Care

Publicly Funded Child Care initial eligibility is currently set at 145 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. The As-Introduced budget proposes to increase PFCC initial eligibility to 160 percent FPL and continue the Child Care Choice Voucher program, which supports families between 161-200 percent FPL in accessing child care. These investments will help more families afford child care, enabling them to increase their workforce participation.

3. Expand Ohio’s Benefit Bridge Pilot Program and increase public reporting and transparency

Established in the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Operating Budget, the Benefit Bridge pilot program uses state General Revenue Funds and federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds to help Ohioans who are facing benefits cliffs. Ohioans in participating counties apply to be part of the 18-month program, which provides success planning, financial wellness curriculum, supportive services and work supports to help workers stay employed through benefits cliffs, and earn up to $3,000 in cash incentives if employment and performance benchmarks are achieved.

The program began in 2021 with six pilot counties. The pilot is now operating in 12 counties, with plans to expand to additional counties in 2025. More than 500 Ohioans are currently enrolled in the program.

Publishing data from the Benefits Bridge pilot can help position Ohio as a model for reform and will help efforts to develop best-practices for turning benefits cliffs into off-ramps.